Work at the Front Office

You are going to learn professional English about the work at the front office.

The topic consists of four parts:

  • At first you get to know what are the hotel facilities
  • Then you can read more about the jobs in the hotel.
  • After that you get some practice in working at the front office, taking the reservations, answering the phones and dealing with clients.
  • Finally you can find out how to deal with customers complaints.
Every part of this topic has lots of practical exercises, listening and reading tasks and crosswords for practicing your vocabulary. At the end of the topic you can find a dictionary of useful words and phrases.

Enjoy your studies!


Õppematerjal on loodud Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskuse majutusteenindust õppivatele õpilastele.

Koostaja: Heli Heimo, Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskuse õpetaja

Litsenseeritud: Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike 3.0 License