Fill in the blanks with the right PHRASE
Use the following phrases: assure; at our expense; bringing this incident; can you tell me; could you; deeply regret; how can I; I must apologize; if you would accept; I'm sorry to; I'm terribly sorry; may I ask; of course; one moment; right
Customer: "I'd like to speak to the restaurant manager. What's his name?"
Receptionist: "Of, course madam. Our manager is a lady, Mary Smith.
your name.
Customer: It's Mrs Sunflower of Sunflower and Co Enterprises.
, Mrs Sunflower and I'll ask Mary Smith to speak to you.
Manager: Good afternoon, Mrs Sunflower.
help you?
Customer: I have a complaint to make about the service I recieved yesterday.
what the problem was?
Customer: I was entertaining business clients and your waiter managed to seat one of my guests to the wrong table.
hear that madam.
Customer: I haven't finished. the same waiter managed to spill afew drops of wine on another guest's jacket and then, instead of apologizing, he said it was only a few drops and we shouldn't get upset!
about this, Mrs Sunflower.
tell me which table you were sitting at.
Customer: It was the large round table by the window.
for the waiter's remarks and I
you I will speak to him.
Customer: But what are going to do with my cliet's jacket?
Manager: We will
pay for the jacket to be dry-cleaned. I
the embarrasment you have been caused and ask
a voucherfor four people to have meal here
Customer: That sounds reasonable.
Manager: Thank you for
to our attention. This is the only
way we can put your problems right.