Job advertisements

iDevice ikoon How to get on

Here you are going to learn how to write job advertisements.

  • At first read the introduction and the TEN TOP TIPS of creating a job advertisement.
  • Analyze these TIPS with your classmates.
  • Have a look at the questions you can use when interviewing a new front-desk rep.
  • Learn what is important when you want to advertise yourself.
  • Read some job ads and give your opinion.
  • Get to know what are the important points when  writing a CV.
  • So the vocabulary practice exercises.

When working as a hotel manager you have to deal with hiring new staff. During the high season when your hotel is fully booked you need more receptionists, bellboys and others to cope with all that work. Sometimes people move or get promotion and you are again facing the same situation that you need new people to take over their jobs. When your business expands and you open new hotels or you enlarge the same building, bring in some new facilities or open the hotel restaurant, you have to think out which is the best way to let the people know that you have some vacancies to fill.

The following are TEN TOP TIPS to make sure that when you advertise vacancies you will increase the quality of the individuals applying as well as the number of responses you receive:

  • Good content is much more important than flashy graphics.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of the reader.
  • Do some research before constructing your advert.
  • Use a strong but meaningful headline to attract attention.
  • Keep the body content of your advert short, sharp and to the point.
  • Don’t forget the vital ‘Call to Action’. Towards the end of your advert, you should clearly state exactly what you want the reader to do next.
  • Use appropriately authoritative design and typography
  • Be prepared and be professional.
  • Be sure to place your advert in appropriate media.

iDevice ikoon Advertise Yourself

Many newspapers have certain sections in which people who are looking for a job can advertise themselves for free. As a hotel manager, keep your eye on these pages as well.

But when you are looking for a job yourself, then it's good to know that the effectiveness of this type of advertising depends not only on:
  • an employer actually looking through that section of the paper for a possible employee, but also on
  • how you actually write your advertisement.

Look in your local paper or some paper of an English speaking country to find examples of advertisements where people are advertising themselves - the "Work Wanted" section.

One point worth watching is the heading they give to their advertisement.

  • Don't use such words as "Young", "Youth", "Male", "Female", "Junior", "Apprenticeship", "Hard working", "Girl", "Boy", even though you might think it sounds better.

An employer browsing through such advertisements will be looking for a particular job title, so make sure you name the job you want.

The same advice is useful to remember when you are advertising for vacancies.

iDevice ikoon Let's get real

Sometimes, supermarkets or shopping centres have boards which you can put notices on.

Here are some sample texts from some supermarket signs below. Which of these signs is the best? Why?

Keen willing lad, interested in earning money, looking for light casual work on Sunday afternoons.

Contact John, 432 Smith St., Slummy Hill.

Attractive, charming young lady interested in finding part time work. Will consider anything.

Ring Desiree on 456 3344 after 6.00pm.

Does ironing bore you? Do you find mowing the lawn takes up too much of your leisure time? Ring

me and I'll come and help you with whatever you need doing. No job too small for willing worker.

Ring and ask for Tania, 63 1234

My name is Fred Bloggs and I can't get a job and I'm fed up with T.V. I'm good at washing cars and stuff.
  • Analyze these ads with your classmates and find out how to improve them.
  • Write an ad about yourself which could be placed on such a notice board!

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