Practice exercises

iDevice ikoon Reading

Here you can practice your vocabulary of job interviews.

You are going to read a job interview on a web-page.

  • You can read it more than once.
  • When you are ready, choose the correct answer for each question.
  • If your answer is correct you will see "Correct!".
  • If your answer is incorrect you will see "Sorry! Try again".
  • Have another go, you can still pick up some points!
  • Your score will be calculated as you go.
  • After answering each question click on the OK button.
  • To move forward or backward in the test click on the next or previous question buttons.

Good Luck!

CLICK on : JOB INTERVIEW to begin.

Click on the button to check the meaning of some new vocabulary.

iDevice ikoon Watch a video - 5 mistakes to avoid on job interviews

Watch the video about five mistakes that are better to avoid on your job interview. After watching it prepare a little presentation for new applicants who want to apply for a vacant receptionists job. Present it to your classmates. You can do it in groups and act out the right and wrong behaviour.


iDevice ikoon Hotel interview tips

Read the HOTEL INTERVIEW TIPS and find out the answers to the following questions:

  • What to wear for hotel job interview?

  • Which has to be your attitude?

  • What to highlight in hotel interview?

  • What do you have to know about the body language?


Right/ wrong question

With the help of the TIPS do the following exercise and check your knowledge about how to behave on a job interview.

Decide if the statement is RIGHT or WRONG.

1. You can dress casually because you are not hired yet.

Tõene Väär

2. If you don't want to work on Sundays and holidays tell it to the interviewer, because he can consider it when doing a schedule for you.

Tõene Väär

3. Bear the positive attitude and always keep little smile on your face as these are the predominant features to get hotel job.

Tõene Väär

4. Never keep your hands folded in your lap.

Tõene Väär

5. If you are a female you can wear trousers and formal shirt on an interview.

Tõene Väär

6. Don't make an eye-contact with the employer - it is impolite.

Tõene Väär
iDevice ikoon Watch a video - a wierd job interview

As the people are not similar in their behaviour, the interviewer can meet very different situations during his/her work.  In this case the interviewer has started to entertain himself by carrying out the job interviews.

Watch a fragment of the British famous TV show "Monthy Python" and have fun!


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